Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Visit from old Army friends....the Atkins!!!!!




A great visit from old Army friends...The Atkins!!!!

The Atkins family was in town visiting so we spent some time with them at the zoo and at our house. They are old Army friends who we love keeping in touch with. As you can see their kiddos are all the same ages as mine. Great times!!!!
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Blueberry picking

So i know that this post may be about 4 weeks old but its still really cute. We went blueberry picking 5 days after my surgery and the kids did not have that much fun. It was at the end of the season so there were not very many blueberries and it was SUPER HOT!!!!! But they trooped through it and made the day a success.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch

Billy decided it would be okay to take the Kiddos out of school to go see a space shuttle launch. At first I was like What??? But then he informed me like he always does that this launch is one of the last three ever and the last one for this particular shuttle. So we headed over to the other side of Florida with our good friends the Brits to spend 5 hours in the flaming hot sun, to see 5 min. of the most amazing experience ever for the kids. They loved it!!!! Even Finnley was quiet for once!!!

Trip to New York!!!

Billy and I had the amazing opportunity to go to NY for some of our really good friends' wedding. So, we booked our flights, dropped the kids off in VA with my parents and headed that way. Most of the pIcs are from the city, we were there Wed. through Fri. and I tried to see everything I could from NY Yankee Stadium, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and so on. On friday, we caught a train up North to West Point to the Wedding. I don't have very many pics from there because my camera died and well, I forgot to charge it!!!!! Enjoy!!!!! To see more click on HERE!!!!!
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Easter Fun and Spring Break in VA!!!!!

We visit VA quite a bit but we weren't so sure if we were going this year, well, we decided the night before the drive that we were I packed everyone up, loaded the car and made the huge 14 hour haul to VA by myself with three kids!!!!! We spent a week there and then my sister came back down to visit!!!! Enjoy the pics!!!!