Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How do you explain.......

Well, I think Billy and I got a taste of what explaining the bird and the bees is to Chip. Well kind of, last night our little buddy Leo (who is our newest puppy) decided he would mount one of the stuffed animals we had given him to sleep with and began... well in society terms, he began humping it. Well in past experiences for Chip and seeing other dogs do this he thought it was funny and said look daddy he is dancing. Well last night was not the issue with Chip and this particular experience. He sakes again what he was doing and i tried to play the dancing card again but Billy totally jacked it up by saying quote, "No, he is not dancing, he is humping". Really Billy, then he giggled and looked at me like I was going to save his rear-end. So I began, as quickly and without detail as possible. "Um, well honey, you know how you said we should get Leo a girl dog and they could have babies, well that is what they do to make babies." End of conversation, no more details. I did have to through in a little, "You cannot talk about or say or write the word hump at school or to friends at school or your teacher!!!!!" He looked at me, kind of confused I think, smiled, giggled and said yes ma'am. And that was it, end of topic.

I really think the whole birds and bees thing is really gonna suck for billy and I. Hopefully it does not come around again for another 13 years!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A True Blessing.....

Sometimes I ask the kiddos what they are thankful for and what they feel a true blessing is. Well, most of the time they have no idea what it is I am asking them. So Lola will thank God for her hurt finger or the dog or her princess snacks. Well She finally got it. She, as serious as a 2 year old could be, Thanked God for her life, her family and of course her daddy!!! It was the most amazing and sweetest thing ever.....Then of course she turned evil again and told me that she wished the police would come and take me away so she could live by herself!!!! Who knew, Right!!!!